The Last of Us Cast and Character Guide

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The Last of Us is a critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic action adventure game, developed by Naughty Dog and released on the PlayStation in 2013. The game follows the story of Joel and Ellie, two survivors in the middle of a zombie outbreak who must survive the harsh elements and hostile survivors. The game focuses on how relationships form, how the characters deal with the post-apocalyptic world, and the story of hope in a bleak world. The characters in The Last of Us are compelling, and the story remains one of the most beloved in video game history. This cast and character guide will go over each character and their respective roles in the game’s story.

Meet the Main Cast of The Last of Us


Joel is the protagonist of The Last of Us. At the start of the game, Joel is a mercantile in the post-apocalyptic United States, smuggling guns and other supplies. After agreeing to smuggle an important package for a group of rebels, Joel’s life suddenly changes – he meets Ellie, a young girl who holds the key to saving the human race from extinction. The bond between Joel and Ellie is the most significant relationship in the game, and it serves as a powerful example of the strength of friendship and love.


Ellie is a 14-year-old who was born after the zombie outbreak began and is immune to the infection. She holds the secret to a cure, and Joel must get her to the Fireflies, a group of rebels who can help them find a cure. Despite her age, Ellie is incredibly determined, brave, and resourceful, eager to help Joel in any way she can. She also serves as a guide and protector for Joel on their journey together, as well as a reminder of the importance of hope.


Tommy is Joel’s younger brother, an older but still energetic survivor who helps Joel on his journey. Tommy serves as a mentor for Joel, and he also serves as Ellie’s protector. He is a loyal brother and friend, and his friendship with Joel provides Joel with the strength he needs to survive and make difficult decisions.

The Fireflies

The Fireflies are a group of rebels who are on a mission to find a cure for the zombie outbreak. They have been searching for Ellie and her immunity in order to find a solution. Marlene is the group’s leader, a strong-willed and resourceful woman with a passion for her mission. Marlene serves as both a mentor and friend to Joel and Ellie, guiding them on their journey.

Other Supporting Characters

In addition to the main cast of characters, there are a number of other significant figures throughout the game. Tess is a smuggler and loyal friend to Joel and Ellie, and serves as an ally and partner. Bill is an old friend of Joel from before the outbreak and another loyal ally. Henry and Sam are two more survivors who join Joel and Ellie on their journey. Finally, David is a dangerous leader of a group of bandits and a major antagonist for Joel and his group.

The Villains

The Last of Us also contains a number of villains who pose a threat to Joel and his group. The Infected are the most notable villains, zombies who used to be people and now hunt down survivors. The Infected are a constant threat, and they can attack in hordes. Additionally, a number of other groups of hostile survivors act as antagonists in the game, from the bandits led by David to the Hunters—swift and ruthless survivors who hunt Joel and Ellie for sport.

The cast and characters of The Last of Us are some of the most iconic in gaming – from Ellie’s determined spirit to Joel’s unquestionable loyalty. Each serves a purpose, but together they form an amazing story about hope in a bleak world, and the power of friendship and love. This character guide has remembered each character and their respective role in the post-apocalyptic world Joel and Ellie find themselves in, and each character will remain important to the legendary story of The Last of Us.

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