Against the Ice: Analyzing the Historical Context of the Movie

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Against the Ice is a 2021 Danish-Icelandic film by director Baldvin Zophoníasson. The film tells the story of two Greenlandic men, accompanied by their dog, on a treacherous journey amid the elements of Greenland. Against the Ice is a powerful and engaging film that provides insight into the story of Greenland; a culture that dates back thousands of years and has faced adversity through both internal and external forces. The film captures the serene beauty of Greenland and its people, as well as an in-depth look into its incredible history and the challenges it has faced.

The film provides an interesting and unique view of Greenland and its culture, as it is often left out of larger cultural discussions due to its remote location and small population size. This article provides an analysis of the historical context of the movie, Against the Ice, and seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the culture and history behind this beautiful and unique region.

Background and History of Greenland 

Greenland is a country largely defined by its geography, being situated within the Arctic Circle, surrounded by vast amounts of icy waters, and jagged mountain ranges. It is the largest island in the world, second only to Australia.

The island was first colonized by Native Americans who participated in the marine lifestyle, traveling in kayaks and hunting whales, walruses, and seals. Archaeological evidence suggests they were in Greenland as early as 2400 BC. In 985 AD, Eric the Red began colonizing the island and it became an official part of Norway, introducing Christianity to Greenland in the process. By mid-1400s, Greenland was abandoned, with the last remnants of the colonial population departing the island in 1536.

The colonial history of Greenland had a lasting, and often devastating, impact on the country and its inhabitants. The Norsemen brought with them a goal to colonize and Christianize the island’s population, which led to the subjugation and death of many of the native people. This period of colonization was also a period of exploitation; the native people were subjected to taxation, robbery and slavery on a large scale.

In the 18th century, the island suffered a period of decline and poverty; and with the decline of fishing industry and severe weather conditions, many of the inhabitants undertook a mass emigration to Canada in the 19th century. This period of decline and emigration caused a significant decline in the native population’s population numbers and severely impacted their culture and lifestyle. The effects of colonialism, as well as the subsequent decline of the economy, are still seen today and are reflected in the effects of the country’s limited resources.

Modern Greenland 

Today, Greenland is still largely defined by its rugged and arctic environment, as well as its long and complex history. The population is estimated at 56.485 and the population is largely concentrated along the coast and in major cities such as Nuuk, Sisimiut, and Ilulissat. The major languages spoken in the country are Greenlandic and Danish, which reflects the country’s long history of colonization.

Greenland’s economy is largely dependent on fishing, hunting and tourism, and the country has seen a shift in its industry over the past few decades. The government is also heavily invested in renewable energy and has invested heavily in the production of hydropower.

Greenland is also a member of the European Union (EU), although it is not a member state. This membership grants the country access to funds and some special privileges, such as free trade with the EU and visa-free travel to certain member states.

The Role of the Inuit in Greenland 

The Inuit are often referred to as the native population of Greenland, and have had a long and complex history with the country. The Inuit have been living in Greenland for thousands of years and have developed a unique culture and lifestyle that has been shaped by their unique environment. The population largely engages in a subsistence lifestyle, relying heavily on fishing, hunting and gathering for survival.

The Inuit have experienced a significant amount of hardship, both during the colonial period and in modern times. Many of the traditional practices and methods used by the Inuit have been outlawed or challenged by the colonialists, which has had a significant impact on the population and their ability to maintain their traditional lifestyle.

The Inuit also saw large scale emigration in the 19th century, due to the massive socio-economic changes that were occurring in Greenland at the time. This mass emigration has led to a significant change in the population numbers and demographics of the Inuit, with large numbers of younger people seeking a better life abroad in Canada.

The Inuit culture and language has been greatly affected by the emigration and societal changes in Greenland, although the Inuit still form a sizeable portion of the population. In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on preserving and promoting the Inuit culture and language, partly through the efforts of the Greenlandic government.

Portrayal of Greenland in Against the Ice 

Against the Ice provides an interesting and unique view of Greenland and its culture. This is seen in the way its characters are portrayed, as well as the themes and images used throughout the film.

The movie follows two young men, Atu and Qussak, and their dog, Nuk, on a journey across the frozen landscape of Greenland. The film highlights the harsh and beautiful environment that the characters inhabit, as well as the struggles and hardships they encounter throughout the journey.

The film also explores the traditional lifestyle of the Inuit population in Greenland, as well as their ties to the land and environment. This is depicted through the film’s focus on fishing, hunting, and other traditional methods of subsistence.

The film also seeks to reflect some of the modern problems that the Inuit people in Greenland have to face; such as the threats of resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and resource exploitation. These topics are addressed throughout the film, and are seen as the characters are forced to find alternative sources of income and resources, and face difficult decisions regarding their future in the face of modern challenges.

Against the Ice provides a unique and powerful view into the culture and history of Greenland. The film captures the beauty and harshness of the land, along with the traditions, practices and lifestyle of its people. Additionally, the film examines some of the modern problems that the people of Greenland face and provides an insight into the effects of colonialism, and the struggles of the Inuit population.

Overall, Against the Ice provides a comprehensive look at the culture and history of Greenland, and serves as a reminder of its long and complex history. The story of the two men and their journey provides an interesting and engaging insight into the modern struggles of the Inuit people, as well as their ties to their land and traditions.

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