How to get ARCs and Read Books for Free

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Advanced Reader’s Copies (ARCs) are free copies of books sent to influencers and book reviewers before the publication of the book. If you’re a book enthusiast, chances are you’d love to get your hands on as many free books as you can. But acquiring ARCs isn’t a simple task, and you need to go out of your way to bag a few. In this article, we will look at different ways to get ARCs as well as other ways to read books for free.

How to Get ARCs  

Advanced Reader Copies are a great way to get your hands on advance access to some of the most popular books. Here are some methods to get your hands on some free ARCs:

Reach Out to Publishers

One route to get ARCs is to reach out to publishers directly and make your interest for advance copies known. Publishers prefer readers to put their book reviews up on popular websites like Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble. This helps other readers find your review easily, and publishers are more likely to send out advance copies if you do this.

Join Book Clubs

 Joining local book clubs in your area or online is another great way to get your hands on some early copies of books. Many writers and publishers join book clubs in order to get reviews on their books, and some are even willing to offer ARCs in exchange for helpful suggestions.

Social Media

Another great way to get access to ARCs is to hang out on social media and follow book reviewers. Publishers often look to social media to get interest on their books, and they may offer up an ARC directly to you if they think you are a person who can be of help to them.

Attend Book Fairs

 Book fairs are a great way to get an insight into various types of books and the latest releases. These offer readers the perfect opportunity to meet authors and get ARCs for free.

Work for a Publisher

 Working for a publisher is probably the best way to get your hands on free ARCs. As an editor, publisher, and even a marketing consultant, you’ll, naturally, have access to advance copies as part of your official duties.

Look at Online Communities

 Joining online communities is a great way to network with like-minded people and learn about how you can gain access to ARCs. Communities like Goodreads, Librarything, and NetGalley are a great way to meet people, chat about books, and find out how you can get ARCs.

Get Started Writing Reviews

One route to get your hands on some early copies of books is to start writing reviews. You can write reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and signal your interest in getting ARCs directly to the authors or publishers. You should make it clear why your review will give them an edge.

Look for Freebies

 Keep an eye out for freebies on various websites. There are websites such as BookishFirstand InstaFreebie, which are specifically for finding free ARCs and other books.

Other Ways to Read Books for Free  

ARCs are great, but they aren’t the only way to get free books. Here are some other options you can check out to acquire free books:

Library Books

 Libraries are a great way to get access to books without having to spend money on them. Many libraries also offer eBooks, which you can access over the internet and on your smartphone.

Local Books Exchanges

 Local books exchanges are becoming increasingly popular and are an excellent way to get access to good quality books that you might not have paid for otherwise.

Book Swapping Websites

 Book swapping websites is also becoming popular and a great way to exchange books with other readers. You can even find websites that offer other services like recycling books, exchanging digital books, and even selling books online.

eBook Subscription Services

 eBooks subscription services like Kindle Unlimited, OverDrive and Scribd offer free books for users in exchange for a monthly fee. These services allow you to access hundreds of eBooks for free.

Borrow from Friends

 If you want to find some good books to read, why not borrow them from friends or family? This is a great way to get access to books without having to spend money.

Sign Up for Newsletters

Many publishers and authors list newsletters which offer reviews of upcoming books as well as other incentives like access to ARCs and more.

Free eBook Promotions

Many authors also offer free eBooks as a promotion which can be a great way to get access to some great books without spending any money.

Getting ARCs and reading books for free is not always easy, but it is possible if you’re persistent and follow the right steps. Reaching out to publishers and authors, joining local book clubs and online communities, working for a publisher, and checking out online resources are all great ways to get your hands on ARCs. Additionally, utilising services like library books, local books exchanges, book swapping websites, eBook subscription services, borrowing from friends, signing up for newsletters, and exploring free eBook promotions are all great ways to read books for free. So why not put the above tips into practice and see how far you can go?

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